Herne Bay

Restaurants in Herne Bay

Restaurants in based in Herne Bay offering a wide range of cuisine.

Disclaimer: Please note that the inclusion of restaurants in our directory does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of their services. It is crucial for all users to conduct their own research, verify credentials, and assess the reputation and quality of food/service of any restaurants you intend to use. We encourage you to thoroughly review customer reviews and ask friends and family for their opinion
before making a decision.

1680356147 oyster chophouse

Oyster and Chop House

01227 749933

8 High Street, Herne Bay, United Kingdom

Herne Bay’s unique Smokehouse, serving Bar.B.Q. & Lobster. Family friendly. We serve great steaks, burgers, home-made nachos and sandwiches too. You’ll also find on the menu, the… Read more…